GvP school

Zero Tolerance Policy & Anti-bullying Protocol


Zero tolerance policy against (sexual) harassment, aggression, violence, bullying, and discrimination

School rule number 9 dictates that students are not allowed to indulge in bullying in any form, be it verbal, physical, cyber, or social bullying, provoke fights or get involved in any form of physical violence. This school rule is part of our  zerotolerance policy. The GvP School’s zero tolerance policy prevents all forms of (sexual) harassment, aggression, violence, bullying and racist behavior towards students and employees. Everybody in the school is to comply with this policy, and to address those involved in it. They are to offer help to those who suffer from, or are victims of, cross-border behavior, and in serious cases to report the behavior to a Mentor, Department Head, or any trusted contact person.

Mild forms of physical aggression are dealt with by the school’s team and parents will be informed. When there is a serious form of physical aggression, inflicting injury, structurally aggressive behavior, or group performance, the student can be suspended for a period of 2 to 5 days. In that case, a care and safety plan will be established in consultation with the Care Team. In case of an uncontrollable
situation at school, and/or in which third parties are involved, the police will be called in for support. 


Anti-bullying Protocol

 The GvP School’s Protocol to prevent and stop bullying was established in 2021. There will be less bullying in a climate with clear expectations of how we treat one another, where differences are accepted, and problems do not end up in fights but rather in dialogue. Positive modeling from the teacher is highly important.

To prevent bullying, the GvP School works on the social-emotional development of students in a safe group environment, even if there are no signs of bullying. Furthermore we:
– Talk about class rules and how we communicate
– Start in Form 1 with group forming and special lessons about bullying
– Offer special training programs for children who need help (ART training)

In class, such as Mentor Hour, teachers help students understand that they:
– are all responsible for the atmosphere in class
– know how and when to go to the teacher
– know that it is alright to talk about bullying, and
– should always speak with the teacher should it occur.

Whenever bullying takes place the GvP School takes the following actions to stop it:
* Step 1 Help students to resolve their problems together.
* Step 2 When students are not capable of resolving the problems themselves they go to the teacher.
* Step 3 The teacher will organize a dialogue with the concerning students and help to stop the bullying. New agreements will be made. A bully assignment follows for the bully. After the conversation parents are contacted to inform them.
* Step 4 When bullying continues a plan will be made with parents, the Care Team and teacher to resolve the issues.
* Step 5 When bullying continues, the student is going to be internally suspended and follows an individual ART- training. Parents are informed. 
* Step 6 When bullying continues, the student is going to be externally suspended. Together with the Care Team, Department Head, parents and student an antibully agreement is made, with consequences.


The Vice Principal, Ms. Vanessa Bennett, coordinates the anti-bullying policy, monitors the implementation of the anti-bullying protocol, and acts as the contact person where bullying is concerned.