Complaint procedure
The GvP School aims to have a good relationship with each parent. Nevertheless, it can happen that a parent seriously disagrees with the child’s teacher or the school. When this is the case, it is important to know where to go with a complaint. The GvP School established a complaint procedure that takes legal obligations into account.
When a parent has a complaint concerning the child’s teacher, it should be discussed with the teacher first, to try to find an acceptable solution. If this conversation doesn’t lead to a satisfactory
solution, or if the complaint concerns general school matters, the parent can submit a complaint to the management of the school. Management will invite the parent to discuss the complaint and to, hopefully, resolve it.
When the meeting with management doesn’t lead to a satisfactory agreement, the parent can turn to the school board. A written complaint can be sent to the board, who will issue a statement after all concerned parties have been heard. The letter can be sent to:
When parties haven’t been able to reach an acceptable solution, one can turn to the Complaint Committee for Education. This committee treats complaints confidentially and responds within four weeks. The complaints committee’s advice is not binding for the school board. However, it might change the school’s views on how to deal with matters and change their ways.
There is a separate procedure for submitting a complaint to the Complaint Committee for Education. This procedure can be found through the Statia committee member, Mr. Reehuis at or at RCN/OCW at