We envision GvP School as a beacon of excellence in education, where every student is encouraged to reach their full potential. By nurturing respect, promoting inclusivity, and providing a stimulating and secure learning atmosphere, we aim to equip our students with the skills and values necessary to succeed and contribute positively to the world. Whether we have been effective and realized this vision, is shown in, amongst others, the number of students that were promoted to the next Form, and the exam results.
As we know that students staying back is ineffective in raising their educational outcomes, we aim to prevent unnecessary stay back as much as possible. To recognize and address (potential) backlog at an early stage, the GvP School closely monitors the students’ progress. To this end, student performance meetings are held at the end of each period (4 times per school year). In the promotion meeting held at the end of the school year it is determined who will advance to the next form. The leading qualitative consideration is the chances of success the student will have in the next form. The decision is not only based on the student’s cognitive results but also on a student’s attitude, insight, and skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, innovation, communication, and independence. These aspects have been proven to have a predictive value for the rest of the student’s educational career.
Regarding the exam results, we have set specific targets for our students writing the CCSLC exit exam, the CSEC exam, and the Dutch as a Foreign Language (CNaVT) exam.
CCSLC exam goals
- Students at the GvP School take the CCSLC exit exam in the five core subjects (English, Math, Social Studies, Integrated Science and Spanish). The three-year program is designed to certify the knowledge, generic competencies, and attitudes and values that all secondary school leavers should have attained. Assessment of competency is not only based on the actual demonstration of competencies. Students are awarded their grade according to the following legend:

The passing rate consists of adding the Master (M) and Competent (C) together. A candidate who successfully completes the five subjects over a two to three-year period will be awarded a CCSLC certificate level 2.
We have set the following goals for 2025:
- To achieve an overall passing percentage of 100%, meaning a 100% pass rate for each of the five subjects; and
- To achieve an overall score percentage of at least 50% in Masters, meaning at least 50% Master scores on average for the five subjects.
CSEC and CNaVT exam goals
For the Form 5 exam students, especially the basic skills Dutch, English and Math have our attention. We have set the following goals for 2025:
- For Dutch as a Foreign Language:
- all students writing Advanced Dutch pass the CNaVT exam level B1 (for entry into MBO level 3 and 4) or level B2 (for entry into HBO).
- For English and Mathematics:
- all CSEC students pass with a grade of no less than III,
- all CVQ students continuing their education after graduation achieve a grade of no less than III, and
- all CVQ students entering the work force immediately upon graduation achieve at least a grade IV.
The percentage of students that was promoted to the next Form in 2024 was:
- 81.1% from Form 1 to Form 2
- 92.5% from Form 2 to Form 3
- 97.4% from Form 3 to Form 4
- 100% from Form 4 to Form 5
Class 3B-4B
In school years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 the GvP School provided a small group of students a program designed to prevent them from unnecessary stay back. These students had an extra year to complete their CCSLC program, through focusing on specific core subjects in one year, and the other core subjects in the other. At the same time, the students started with their CVQ program of choice. All these students in 2024 transitioned to Form 5 and are expected to graduate in the summer of 2025, which is the nominal study duration of five years.
Language Class
The GvP School’s Language Class for Spanish-speaking students in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 achieved remarkable success. These students, needing to overcome the language barrier that was affecting their progress in other subjects, received 10 hours per week of English as a Second Language instruction, with reduced hours in core subjects. All students in the Language Class successfully transitioned to Form 4 in 2024 to begin their CSEC or CVQ program. Notably, the class achieved a 100% CCSLC pass rate, with 44% mastery and 56% competency, making them the only class to reach this impressive milestone. They are expected to graduate in 2026.
In general, students are writing their exams in the months of May (the CNaVT and CSEC exam) and June (the CCSLC exam). The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) releases the preliminary exam results at the end of August, and the final results in November/December.
CCSLC results 2024
In 2024, out of 231 exams written, 103 resulted in Mastery (M) scores, 116 in Competent (C) scores, and 12 in Developing Competency (DC) scores, leading to an overall 95% pass rate. While the goal is to obtain a 100% pass rate and 50% mastery in 2025, the school in 2024 experienced a 4% reduction in the overall pass rate and a 1% decrease in mastery compared to 2023. The Developing Competency scores, making up 5% (4 students), were seen only in the subjects Mathematics and Spanish.

This year’s profile grades reveal varying mastery levels across subjects. Social Studies and Mathematics led with 60% and 51% mastery, respectively, while Spanish lagged at 23%, largely due to weak performance during the school year in Modules 2, 3, and 4, where (test) scores fell below 25%.
Mathematics, despite its 51% mastery, still shows room for improvement. Around half of the students have mastered the material, but targeted efforts will help more reach this level, aiming for 60-65% mastery in 2025. Small-group interventions and curriculum adjustments, such as more formative assessments, will further enhance outcomes. Four struggling students showed a pattern of “Developing Competency” scores in Mathematics. These students will receive focused remediation and personalized learning plans to address gaps and build foundational skills.
Spanish’s low mastery requires urgent intervention. Weak performance in Modules 2, 3, and 4 show that students are struggling with concepts or skills critical to the overall subject mastery. All students in Spanish will receive small-group tutoring, peer-led study sessions, and additional practice materials focused specifically on these weaker modules. Struggling students will receive extra support outside of regular class hours.
CSEC results 2024
The GvP School continuous to encourage CVQ students to write CSEC subjects of their choice, in addition to their CVQ program. With a view to their labor market and/or further education opportunities, all CVQ students are to write compulsory CSEC English and EDPM.
In CSEC, a passing grade is earned with scores of I, II, or III, while IV and V are considered failing. In 2024, GvP School saw 150 CSEC exams written, resulting in an overall pass rate of 71%, a 15% improvement from 2023. Of this pass rate, CSEC students contributed 56%, and CVQ students contributed 15%. CSEC students wrote 112 exams, achieving 84 passing scores, representing a 75% pass rate. Meanwhile, CVQ students wrote 38 exams, with 23 passing scores, (significant improvement from 28% in 2023) giving CVQ a 61% pass rate.
This year saw some remarkable improvements in several subjects at GvP School. Biology and Geography maintained their excellent 100% pass rates, while Chemistry made a significant leap with a 50% improvement, also finishing with a perfect 100%. Mathematics demonstrated impressive progress, jumping from a 17% pass rate in 2023 to 67% in 2024—a 50% increase. EDPM also saw considerable growth, rising from 46% to 77%, and both Principles of Business and English made modest gains of 10%, achieving 92% and 63% pass rates, respectively.
Visual Arts made its debut this year, posting a 25% pass rate, which shows room for growth. There are some areas of concern, particularly the 25% decline in General Economics, which now stands at a 50% pass rate. Social Studies, though still strong, experienced an 11% decrease, moving from 100% in 2023 to 89% this year. Of urgent concern is Physics, which saw no passes for two consecutive years, highlighting the need for targeted attention and support moving forward.
This year, GvP School experienced a 13% decline in overall eligibility for diplomas, with a further decrease in HAVO-equivalent passes. Passing at least five subjects with a grade of I, II, or III is comparable to earning a HAVO diploma, while passing four subjects with similar grades is comparable to a MAVO/TL diploma. Students that passed four subjects can choose to rewrite the CSEC exam in the subject(s) he/she failed. Students re-writing a CSEC exam, are not awarded a diploma.

CNaVT Results
In 2024, none of our students were awarded a school diploma as they didn’t pass the required level for Advanced Dutch (B2 for CSEC students and B1 for CVQ students). 41% of the students passed the A2 level, and 1 student passed the B1 level. In total 40 CNaVT exams were written, of which 12 passed (30%).

CVQ results 2024
In 2024 a total of 25 students completed their CVQ program, in 4 occupational areas: General Construction (6 students), Commercial Food Preparation (10 students), Early Childhood Development (3 students) and Welding (6 students). As per CVQ requirements, a diploma can be awarded if the student has successfully completed his/her full program, and the portfolio was verified and recommended for certification by the TVET Council in Barbados. At this point 8% of the students that finalized their program in 2024 received their diploma. The diplomas of the other 23 students are still pending, awaiting the results of the verification process.