GvP school

Alternative Uniform Pants to the Dickies

St. Eustatius, December 12th, 2022

Dear parents and guardians,

This letter serves to inform you of the following.

The Gwendoline van Putten School received feedback from parents and students regarding the high cost involved with the Dickies uniform pants. As a result, the GvP management has researched alternative options for the Dickies that are cost effective for parents.

Below is the information regarding the alternative uniform pants for both boys and girls that may we worn in addition to the Dickies. It is very important that you pay keen attention to the photos, so that you are aware of the approved styles. Bermuda shorts must be 11”, 13” or 15”.

All alternative brands are available via www.amazon.com. The brand French Toast can also be bought on St. Maarten at Penny’s.

Students are allowed to wear the alternative pants as of January 2023 effective immediately.

We hope to have provided you with sufficient information. Should you still have questions please do not hesitate to make contact with the school at your earliest convenience.

Warm regards,

Fleur Lagcher
Principal Gwendoline van Putten School