GvP school

GvP students shine in regional SKILLS competition

On Friday, January 13th, 2023, six students of the Gwendoline van Putten School participated in the Regional Skills competition on Sint Maarten. Our students performed very well under the conditions and circumstances given to them. They placed overall third (3rd) place. The GvP School students were the best in certain parts of the assignments. They shined beautifully in their strengths and listened humbly when they were weak and took in all positive feedback.

The Skills competition was hosted by Milton Peters and Sundial School in collaboration with NIPA. There were  three categories the students could compete in: Carpentry, Care and Wellness, and Hospitality. In Carpentry the assignment was to build a plant pot bench without using any power tools. In Hospitality the students were expected to bake bread with a meat filling and present their dish to the judges. For Care and Wellness the students were expected to create an informational flyer for parents, bath a baby and also create a decorative fruit salad for a toddler. The students were accompanied by four GvP School teachers.