GVp school
The Gwendoline van Puttenschool is a school with approx. 250 students on the island of Sint Eustatius (Statia) in the Caribbean Netherlands.
The program of the school consists of the three Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) curricula: Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC), Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), and Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) and the Praktijkonderwijs (PrO, the practical stream) from the Dutch system.
The school caters to both compulsory and adult education.
Our student population is diverse and multi-cultural. The language of instruction is English, and our educational approach is dedicated to the regional needs and demands of the Caribbean.
Latest News
Amended school times on Monday November 4th, 2024
Dear Parents/ Guardians, Please be informed that, due to special educational activities organized for our students, we have amended school times on Monday November 4th,
GvP School rule 4: no display and use of phones on the school premises
Dear GvP School parents and guardians, This letter serves to inform you of the changes in the sanction for breaking the GvP School’s rule that
Vacature Bestuur GvP School: Staffunctionaris
Het schoolbestuur van de Gwendoline van Putten School, de Stichting tot bevordering voortgezet onderwijs op St. Eustatius, heeft per 1 juni 2024 een vacature voor
Vice Principal Bennett appointed as GvP School’s anti-bullying coordinator
Dear Parents/ Guardians, This letter serves to inform you that management of the Gwendoline van Putten School has appointed the Vice Principal, Ms. Vanessa Bennett,